Anglican Schools - Some Of The Facts You Need To Know
If you're hoping to enrol your child in Anglican Schools New Zealand , it's important to know what they offer and how they operate. Here are some of the facts that might help you decide if an Anglican school is right for your family. What are the enrolment policies for Anglican Schools? Anglican schools are open to all students. There are no religious requirements for enrolment but many Anglican schools have a tradition of accepting students from other faiths, and some have non-discriminatory policies. There are no restrictions on enrolment based on gender, race or ethnic background. Parents should contact the school principal before applying for enrolment in an Anglican school if they have any concerns about their child's acceptance into that particular school because of special needs or disability. Is there funding available for those who wish to attend an Anglican School? Yes, there is. There are scholarships available for those who wish to attend an Anglican Scho...